Sunday, March 14, 2010

Getting Closer

The wedding is fast approaching....  These last few weeks have been very busy...with wedding planning stuff as well as other non-wedding, non-work stuff.  Michelle, Melissa's sister had a baby last thursday.  Ryan was born at 2 lbs 15.somthing ozs.  Although he was premature and will be in the NICU for a fair amount of time, he seems to be doing pretty well.  Michelle is also recovering.  This does however mean that Brad and Michelle and family will not be able to make it to Maine for the wedding, which means that Melissa will not be having Michelle as her matron of honor at the wedding either.  It has been pretty hectic over the last week, but we both know that God is in control and that He is working out His perfect plan.  We are still super excited to be getting married in only 5 days.

I have spent the last week getting ready to leave for a couple weeks and cleaning the apartment so that it is nice and everything for us when we get back.

In other news, (by the way, this part was written a couple of weeks ago, but i figured i'd still post it because it is relevant to what is going on in my life and it is also very interesting)

Our church has started a small group study called "The Truth Project".  It's a 12 class program where you go through videos that are basically a classroom setting.  The series is all about developing a Christian worldview.  Dr. Del Tackett is the guy that is teaching the lessons.  It is really neat, they use all sorts of different media in the lessons and they interview some people from the general public as well as some well known Christian authors and preachers.  I have included the links to two

The Truth Project Intro and Trailer

Dr. Del Tackett - the Truth Project 'tour guide'

Until Next Time....

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