Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Engagement Pictures, Wedding Plans, and.....well, Stuff.

So,  I have some time during lunch....I think i will post a blog.

Before Melissa left when she was visiting, we got Emily Alianello to take some engagement pictures of us.  We kinda just went around Ellicottville and pretty much just let Emily take the reigns and take pictures of us wherever she wanted.  They turned out very nice.  We have many many pictures of us now. :)  Not only many, but many GOOD ones...if I do say so myself.  Here's a couple that i especially like:

I feel like the luckies man in the world to have Melissa as my fiance.  I'm super excited about getting to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her.  She is quite an amazing woman.  She has been doing so much as far as the planning goes...I have been here in NY working away at my job, and she has been doing so good with all of the planning.  She is also good about checking in with me when she want's my opinion about something.  Her mom has been such a big help too.  She is good at thinking about everything that needs to happen and making sure it gets on the calendar or schedule so it's not forgotten.

I've been breaking in a new pair of cowboy boots...my first pair.  They are doing quite nicely.  I think I like them and will keep them.

In other news, my car turned over 100,000 miles today.  I thought i would try to see when it happened and remember where i was and such, but i was driving...thinking about something else....my fiance...and before i knew it, the odometer read 100,002.  I missed it. Oh well.  I guess it wasn't really that important. lol  My apartment is so cozy these days.  The little gas heater in the corner does a good job of keeping everything warm.  I raised my shower curtain rod about 4 inches....the curtain was dragging on the inside of the tub and getting nastier than it needed to get...plus we might be getting a curtain liner soon and i wanted to have everything arranged so it would stay nice.  After looking at walmart for some drywall anchors, i found some that would work.  it went very smoothly and now it hangs quite solidly and higher too.  I always appreciate a job that goes as well as or better than was expected.

I woke up earlier than normal today because I had a dentist appointment at 6:30AM.  Yes.  I was in the waiting room of a dentist's office at 6:30...eagerly waiting to get two cavities drilled out and kindly filled with that white stuff that they cure with the purple UV light...  But not before I got a lovely injection of novacaine.  Well, it went better than expected.  No pain..although they are a little sore this afternoon.

Well, i will close for now i guess.  I definitely am counting the days to when i will be a happily married man. (52. days.)  In a lot of ways, March 19th is so far away, but in others, it is right around the corner....I was reminded early this week about the Bible passage, "be still and know that I am God"....I'm being still.  It's hard to be patient sometimes, but it's good for me.

Until Next Time....

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