Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My first post. :)

Yes.  I know it's not saturday.....but i wanted to post something know, try out this blogging thing.  I hope to post a somewhat weekly post about what has been going on in my life.  I find it really hard to meet/make lots of new friends because I feel this desire to 'keep up' with them and stuff, and I don't want my friends to feel neglected or anything.  I want to be a good friend to all my friends, but i find it more and more difficult to keep up with everybody.  Facebook helps, but it's nothing like a nice phone conversation, or a friendly email update, OR even a letter (what a novel idea), or....get this...a nice One on One conversation over a hot cup of coffee....(sigh)  I like the idea of personal emails and stuff, but as my life gets busier and my friends and family get more spread out, i find it much harder to keep everything one on one..... sad thought.

Anyway, I will attempt to write a blog on a semi-regular basis.  Hopefully, as people learn about it, if they are interested in what I am doing,  they will kinda feel like they can keep up with me and what's going on my life.

Ok. So.  The beginning of the Blogging......hmmm.

I am currently living in Springville, NY.  I have a second floor, two bedroom apartment that I am renting for $425 per month....not including utilities.  It has electric everything except for the little gas heater in the corner of the living room.  Springville electric is pretty cheap so that works out well.  The water is not so cheap however.  My electric bill runs about $15 a month where as my water/sewer bill is about $45/ month.  Anyway, I'm pretty happy with my living situation right now...still need a couch though...hmm.  I'll have to work on that. lol.

I make all my own food pretty much...I have been transitioning away from eating out and eating other people's food to making pretty much everything at home.  I make Dunkin Donuts coffee every morning in my 4 cup coffee pot.  I also switch back and forth from egg and cheese bagels to cold cereal for breakfast.  (personally, i like the egg and cheese bagel much better)  I try to pack lunch every day...i've been getting better at that too.  I don't have a microwave at home so any leftovers that are best heated up in one of those are brought to work with me and had for lunch....since we have a microwave at work.

Dinners are the real challenge...I usually do ok with making one meal at home per day, but on the weekends, if I have to come up with two meals to cook, i usually struggle some with that.  I mean, 'come on'.....i have to think of two things to cook in one day???  Maybe i'll get used to it :)

Ok.  In an effort to keep these things to a reasonable length, i will conclude for now.  There is more to say, but it will just have to wait some.

-Caleb Henning

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